The cure



But let’s pretend

that it never ended,

like it did.

And it still thrives

with the same vibrance

just as we saw it once.


For if not supposed so,

you will continue burning

in the ashes of your torn ego.

And I will just dangle in

the misery of my broken heart.


And the two of us will keep wondering, which one hurts the most?

Your split soul or my lost love.


For there is nothing as such

like “the bigger grief, the greater hurt”

as the two of us, suffered just equally.


And maybe one day, we will settle for the fact that

it was no one’s fault; neither yours nor mine but rather,

We will free ourselves of this burden by blaming it on life and its painful ways.


Just breath,

our hearts still beat and our souls are alive

we will heal, in our own separate worlds.





Between you and me,
When old blueberry gentle songs were heard,
Over the bridges and balconies,
Love thrived in my coffee up and
your tiny heart,
– such a sweet soliloquy.

Your untitled rosy murmuring poems,
My summer beats and euphonious orchestra,
The dancing feet and a sight in awe,
– O’ magical romance.

But now,
Often my soul feels warmth,
When in lonesome summery afternoons,
I smell your crumbled letters
and torn long overcoats.

To live without the one
You said you could never live,
Only then I decided,
To never believe
The empty words of a lover.


I saw you;
in the smile of your lips –
the depression in the cheeks,
that spark, my heart.

The intoxication of eyes –
quenching the thirst of my soul,
awaiting you; on every shore,
orange cotton sunset,
taking my breath,
every step, the slumber of my
leaving laughter, poisoned.

O’ I see,
My story, the fading shine –
crimson red, deep purple,
colors of your face, deceive;
lowered tone, frozen eyes –
I caught your last glimpse,
in the melancholy of love,
in the living epitome of life,
my love was dissolved,
O’ sweet touch, my sacred memory.


Gazes; lustrous like a carved diamond
Warmth; consoling like a burning chimney
Whispers; bouncing and echoing
Touch; reassuring like a new promise
Memory; fresh like the first laughter

Oh, my heart! How did you fell?
For a hand so discarding
A trust so fragile –
And a soul so shallow;

For you’re lovestruck, you fool –
You see no glass,
But a mirage.

#92 The wrong train.



She loved abstract things. Broken cups, ashes, splashing paints, dusted canvases, silent rains, crispy leaves, empty corridors, diaries and him. Her easel always supported the sketches of that intimacy, her brushes quietly drawing the face – perfect margins, nice features, and it would come into existence – apparently talking in her imagery like a raindrop on a leaf or a snowflake on a window.

She always chose the wrong option. An empty batch, a barren pathway, wrong color to paint his smile with, pointless reason to draw and an outdated court to let her ball in. Walking through the same streets, smelling that familiar aroma, a sharp voice and her heart skipped a beat – her love ended in that tiny cafe of this old road of the beautiful Paris, which was only known for growing love in souls.

“I want to snuggle with you. I’d like to lie on you and put my head on your shoulder and breathe in the same rhythm that you’re breathing.” She could hear his words echoing in her ears. She felt a smile on her lips after long, not the smile which she shared with her friends at the bar or the one she shared when her boss surprised her with a bonus or her mom gave her a complimentary look. It was the smile which would only come with his name.

She was terrified of her self, a mistake again.

She realized.

She chose the wrong person to get her heart broken by, and she’d not change it, her wishes unfilled, her dreams broken.

Paris saw parting for the first time, the air was sad, the parks mourned, the river silent – how painful is an ended love; the moment was frozen in eyes.




Lost in the darkness of my soul,I try to find myself. Strive to explore some secrets, solve the intricate puzzles and figure out the mystery of my inside. Sunken in the dark wilderness, I saw the door to enlightenment. Indeed, I found myself when I got my way to the Owner of my being.